Performance Evaluations | Merve Selçuk, Turgut Turunç & Birgül Apaydın Eyiakkan | Altinbaş University

10 Nov 2022

Performance Evaluations | Merve Selçuk, Turgut Turunç & Birgül Apaydın Eyiakkan | Altinbaş University

Merve Selçuk, Turgut Turunç, Birgül Apaydın Eyiakkan

Altinbas University

Altınbaş University (AU) School of Foreign Languages (SFL) Performance Assessment and Supervising System (PASS) 

At the tertiary level in Turkey, performance evaluation and assessment systems and their implementations, as well as continuing professional development activities, vary from one institution to another. Yet the SFLs in higher education (HiEd) seek standardized implementations which can be modelled and implemented. Some follow guidelines from different accreditation/assurance organizations as well as those of their own, while others follow the guideline and recommendations by the Turkish HiEd Quality Council, ‘YOKAK’. They attempt to base their implementations on relevant literature, on institutional experience and on modelling the implementations of the other institutions alike. Within this context, this workshop attempts to describe the AU-SFL PASS, a model developed, piloted, and implemented at AU-SFL. The workshop participants will also be provided with implications based on presenters’ perceptions on the implementation described. They will have the opportunity to discuss the model described comparing it to those of their own institutions and develop ideas as well.