Establishing a QA Unit | Fatih Yücel | Beykent University

10 Nov 2022

Establishing a QA Unit | Fatih Yücel | Beykent University


Fatih Yücel

Beykent University

Establishing a Quality Enhancement Unit within your School, from A to Z

 Quality enhancement in higher education institutions refers to setting out the main criteria and indicators supported by the implementation of predetermined and developing action plans that lead the institution towards continued betterment. It has therefore been a very popular trend for institutions seeking gradual, yet persistent development in their educational standards and services. On the other hand, even though its definition and significance is certain for many, knowing where to begin and the necessary steps towards its fruition can be a challenge.


This talk aims to reveal the basics of understanding the perception of quality, and illustrate the experiences of a school director along this journey. So, in this session, the following core questions will be discussed:


1)      What is a quality enhancement unit?

2)      What is its functionality?

3)      What are the tasks it undertakes?


A quality handbook will also be analysed to explore how a quality unit can be established in an SFL, and how it can be effectively used to further perpetual reverberant advancement of ever-expanding quality life cycle.