Establishing a QA System | Ayşegül Sallı and Erkan Arkın | Doğu Akdeniz University

10 Nov 2022

Establishing a QA System | Ayşegül Sallı and Erkan Arkın | Doğu Akdeniz University

Establishing a Quality Assurance System

Ayşegül Sallı and Erkan Arkın

Eastern Mediterranean University

This workshop aims to take you through our journey of establishing a quality assurance system over a year. First, we will illustrate our experience of going through the EAQUALS self-assessment and readiness process with the staff and how we dealt with the initial reactions and frustrations. Then, we will acquaint you with the same method of evaluating your systems in the first place to see and assess your readiness for an EAQUALS accreditation. Then, we will share how we have drawn up a plan and implemented it. We hope that this will be an enlightening experience for you.